Russian Dentistry

February 10th, 2016

In our country a large portion of people (and it is about 90%) visit to the dentist is associated almost seen the inquisitor, who then carry them on fire. The origins of this problem must be sought in the Soviet past in which quality dental care and the very sovestkaya dentistry was fairly low, many may remember the line in Doctor Hospital for the 'number plates' to the doctor and furious stories of relatives and friends who in their teeth feel all the imperfections of the system. As a result, in our time, Russians often get to the dentist only when tooth pain becomes unbearable and you have to go to 'surrender' to the dentists. Many people nowadays do not believe that the situation could change significantly, and all dental treatment reduced to pulling out their roots. But dear friends, we live in the 21 th century, thanks to high-tech dentistry was much more pleasant procedure than before.

Patriotic dentistry it all the time did not stand still, evolving towards the introduction and development of advanced technologies, methods and tools for system diagnostics prevention and treatment of teeth, the use of various medications for pain relief. Even the very injection of anesthetic is made painless with the help of a special gel that is put into place to be produced a shot! This is not someone other than the Application anesthesia. Thus during dental treatment, removed not only painful for the patient but also his fear of needles. Dental treatment and diagnosis of diseases include preventive dentistry, which should be given priority in all modern dental clinics, if not you can safely go and look for another, the teeth will be more expensive. A dental therapist – this is the first specialist dentist facing absolutely any patient in the clinic. His task to correctly diagnose and identify a particular disease, to determine whether a patient inflammatory process, choose the best treatment option. So do not be afraid to treat teeth, dental treatment without pain – this is the reality of our time!

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