South Australia

March 4th, 2014

Submerged houses. People deceased and missing people. Cities arrasadas for the water flow. These had been manchetes in the two cantos of the South hemisphere: Brazil and Australia. All year, Brazil suffers with the consequncias of rains. All year we see manchetes as these.

Why nothing was made the respect, exactly being easy to foresee what it goes to happen in the next season to rains? A died thing intrigues that me is as the number of and missing people can be so great. It was a tragedy, yes, but of Australia also he was. The area flooded in the country corresponds to a small European State. the number of died does not exceed 100, against the 750 of Rio De Janeiro. Both the countries had suffered tragedies, but the Brazilian one shows the reaction, preparation, infrastructure lack.

What it happened here was still more tragic because it showed the true poverty of one of the ten bigger economies of the world. What it happened in the River seems not to affect the remaining portion of Brazil. They are manchetes, they are deceased numbers, they are ' ' ours, that horror' ' exclamados accidentally for who assite to the periodical. What I heard in Adelaide, South Australia, was a people feeling the northeast tragedy of the country as if she was its proper one. Exactly separate for all the extension of the country, the indignation and empatia that vi in the Australian ones lack to the Brazilians. Brazil does not understand that the problem of a Brazilian would have to be of all. The Brazilians do not understand that while they will not be a people, only people who live the same in country, these things go to continue happening. tragedies that could be contained goes to continue to leave the control. But it will be that some Brazilian one really goes to understand how much the responsibility for helping those that had lost and the ones that will lose everything for rains is in such a way its proper one how much of the government, until he is he himself to be dragged by the water?


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