
April 20th, 2017

have been named on the first weekend of June solemnly the ‘Mrs.Sporty of 2011’. Together with eight other finalists, they spent a dream weekend in Berlin. The women sports chain Mrs.Sporty rewarded in this year again the finest success stories of its members. For the winners, even a meeting with Mrs.Sporty co-founder Stefanie Graf was on the agenda along with wellness and a professional styling with followed by a photo shoot. The stories of the finalists from all over Germany and Italy were very different: one had removed with the help of Mrs.Sporty about 60 pounds, the other was with the help of the training at the sports chain after a serious accident back in life.

Anja coin and convinced guts Monika especially with their stories and received the most votes in the online voting. The all-round pampering programme in Berlin was very unusual for women: they all had felt long at all not more comfortable in her body and shunned the public. However, with the new The ladies obviously enjoyed body feeling to stand in the Center. A few months ago, I would have to make such photos not from me. “But today I’m doing right that like,” reported the 45 year old Anja coin. Also the 38 year-old Monika spunk is thrilled with the result of the photo shoots: time is not so much noticed how much I had taken to. But when I now compare the photos of then and now, I’m quite shocked as I looked.” “So differently, the success stories of the finalists, are so similar to the portrayals of women on their Mrs.Sporty Club before place: here I can train to make myself as I am and must not extra fancy”, reported about finalist Nicole Distel from Ulm. Furthermore, the training is very practical that 3 times 30 minutes could accommodate between career and family. The personal and familial atmosphere at the Club was the icing on the concept. Now train more than 150,000 members in more than 450 clubs. All now have a Year time to write your own success story to maybe next year as Mrs.Sporty of the year”to be rewarded with an unforgettable weekend.


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