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January 20th, 2014

Cundo elections know that the would-be President promise and not to win and is a good tactic I admit it but not so have let those who are in the country not have even 40% of what promised by that is not fair to the people, you have a President who meets what they promised and that’s not fair but as my mother says (there is a God that everything thing) view). Elderly people are already tired of ask and expect that Presidents meet them promises unfulfilled and to them is difficult for them and have a job and if they have a job is not its capabilities act as they are: pick up litter, clean waterways, or safety (guachiman), thats not a job for a person 60 years onwards. Money where this? the money that I do not understand where this by that the tax in this country by clouds like my mother says there is no money anywhere and the worst is not lowered the prices rise and rise and I say when they reach heaven to where more they are going to follow up, because I think that will get to heaven as van not going to take a long time. Know my mom always tells me since childhood (that the money goes to where this money) bone that money stays with the rich people and the poor can have any part of that money must be broken arms. Prices that tell them prices prices are soaring as I told you in the previous chapter, the prices here are climbing that they rise as the game of the (jumps, jumps) but they never jump and fall, just jump and climb more and others that are in the game hoping that they go down to be able to sartal and so this town waiting for lower prices to buy the products of first necessity and never lower only play the rich and the poor waiting to play someday, and that day often does not reach. They know that that day does not go by that die waiting for a President who promised to deliver on their promises. We mention some of those prices that jump and not fall: (rice, wheat, food, oil, gasoline, gas oil, gas, until the alcoholic drinks) I believe that until we are going to upload but not price but are going to increase the staff of the hospital of mentally disordered persons (28) with all this. Original author and source of the article

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