Physical Suffering

December 26th, 2012

Lc 19,41 and when Jesus arrived close and saw the city, cried on it, the soul and the headquarters of the emotions, where we feel joy, sadness, courage, fear, hatred, love, pain etc. in this Biblical text this registering of clear form that Jesus CRIED, I cry however it of Jesus was not caused because of a physical consequence as one cut in the body, a wound or things of this nature, the pain who took Jesus to cry age proceeding from the soul, therefore the people who it in such a way loved and that it empty everything of good for conquering rejected cruelly. this rejection in such a way hurt the soul of Christ who it looked at for the people and he did not aquentou and he started to cry. Nothing does not exist more worse wants to be rejected for that you fight in such a way to make it happy, and it maltreat you to (a) you are and ungrateful with you, perhaps this is your problem and this has hurt in such a way your soul that it arrives ties to ache and no matter how hard you fight not to cry the tears insist on leaving your eyes and you she starts to perhaps cry what she happened with you was a treason, the person with who you always trusted suddenly you discovers that he was covardemente trado (a) is this and the reason of you to cry you cry because moved with your feeling and feeling and proceeding from the soul and this cause more pain that any physical suffering, because the physical suffering sara and whenever you remember you you are glad why you only look at and see scar and you she says thanks to God sarou and you are glad yourself, but any one who passed for an ungratefulness disillusionment, rejection, treason, incompreenso, defamation and others seriem of attitudes that your soul hurts no matter how hard the time pass and no matter how hard you always pardoned of truth when toa mind remembers the fact the always bad therefore the pain of soul and so cruel sensation and therefore Jesus cried, I do not know if you already had some problem of that I mentioned and she has that you feitotu to cry or already made at some time of your life. But a thing I affirm I trust can you God, therefore it never goes to wound your soul, but yes to comfort it therefore it feels the care and the refrigrio of God for your life. THEY LOVE.
