Dental Infection

March 25th, 2013

Recent research suggests a relationship between oral disease and systemic diseases and other medical conditions. When inflamed gingival tissue causing the presence of gingivitis, inflammatory mediators called cytokines that are in the gingival tissue they can enter your saliva flow and can also be aspirated into the lungs. The bacteria responsible for periodontal disease can also enter the circulatory system around the teeth and travel to other parts of the body. Oral bacteria can cause secondary infections or inflammation of other tissues or organ systems in the body treatment with antimicrobials aims to prevent the spread of infections, Odontogenic, local extension and the contiguity of infection, reduce bacterial inoculum in the infection and prevent the complications of the Hematogenous spread bacterial (metastasis via blood)every time that oral infections and dental procedures can cause a bacteriemia (presence of bacteria in the blood). Odontogenic infections and, above all, its complications can produce systemic disorders affecting the general condition of the patient and committed his life. It has shown that oral cavity may be the site of origin for the spread of organisms pathogens a various sites of the body, if scattered microorganisms found favorable conditions, can be installed at a site and determined, after some time of latency, start a multiply.

Odontogenic infection Progresaa throughout the periodontium and alveolar bone to the affects, since this area is spread through bone and periosteum toward neighboring and distant structures. The importance of these infections lies in that can trigger other infections that compromise most distant structures by continuity and spread. The propagation distance by lymphatic or Hematogenous route may have resulting complications venous and neurological, including thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, meningitis and brain abscess. The elements influencing the progression of infection units of the patient’s condition and the virulence of the microorganism. Scientific evidence has shown a relationship between some oral infections and certain systemic diseases of cardiovascular, lung and endocrine (diabetes mellitus) character as well as alterations in the gestation tombs.
