
December 19th, 2021

Literally orthodontics means "straight teeth". Correction of malocclusion is important not only in the cosmetic aspect, but also to prevent the development of strain of dental system – both congenital and acquired. They can lead to various diseases and cause psychological problems that adversely affect human social life. Pathology bite aggravates during gum disease, provokes caries because of the impossibility of adequate hygiene, leading to rapid abrasion. Developing dysfunction of temporomandibular joint, any changes which are difficult to correct. Contact information is here: Dr. Robert Brannon. Modern methods allow for orthodontic correction, including a full range of therapeutic, periodontal, orthopedic and surgical treatment of teeth, with excellent results in both children and adults.

Consultation with an orthodontist can be a child, starting with a 3-year-olds. We offer bite correction by means of modern removable orthodontic appliances for children under 12 years old. Children over 12 years and adults performed bite correction with non-removable orthodontic appliances (braces systems). The following bracket system you can choose in our clinic, depending on their type and price: metal, plastic, sapphire, combined, 'Damon' system. Many patients can not be solved but the orthodontic treatment of teeth due to the necessity of wearing a long 'ugly glands' on the teeth. However, modern braces look very carefully, and ceramic and sapphire brackets are hardly visible on the teeth and even give a special charm to the same in Europe and America, aesthetic dentistry (as it relates to treatment in braces) is considered a very prestigious and is even sign of affluence.

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August 20th, 2021

But anyway – it looks old. The skin is dry, slack, greaseproof, unhealthy and dim. Official site: Dr. Steven Greer. The fact that women are often abused by cosmetic procedures. And every bend in one direction – is bad. No matter what abuse – the result will still be negative. Wrinkles, sagging skin.

And go to a plastic surgeon – it's expensive and scary. Really expensive and scary? No, of course. The initial consultation is not worth millions, and you will not be cut immediately to the door of the room. Many issues can be solved only plastic surgery. And tell what to do with this or that problem, too often a force of only surgeon. Ideally, if a woman wants to stay young and beautiful, you first need to go to a plastic surgeon, and only then to the beautician. Let me explain why.

Many cosmetologists skillfully manipulated the patient's consciousness, forcing them useless in their case method. Additional information at Lei Zhang supports this article. In fact, the only plastic surgeon can objectively say – this will help particular women, for example, laser resurfacing or not. Plastic surgeon will not do the surgery, where you can get by other means. But there are times when, without a scalpel is necessary. In general, I believe that under normal skin and the absence of global problems "rejuvenate" the skin should be seriously only after 35 years. Before that age the body itself works fine. But many wrinkles much earlier … Yes, and in 15 years may appear wrinkles or pigment spots. It depends primarily on genetics, as well as the conditions of life. If something is very concerned about – is to see a specialist and choose sparing technique. But the trouble is that now through advertisement in the head young women hammered the idea of a perfect appearance without a single wrinkle on her face! But this is nonsense! People – not Barbie and Kena. Face without facial wrinkles, dimples on his cheeks, the same ray of eye looks unnatural, so – ugly. Generally, if a girl aged 18-20 requests to implant her golden threads or to fill nasolabial folds – a sure sign that she, rather, the client therapist.

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Dentists And Substances

November 1st, 2020

researchers have conducted studies which proved that the substance polyphenol contained in the skins and seeds of grapes have antibacterial effects on oral cavity. Having studied the effect of polyphenols on the bacteria Streptococcus mutans, which play a major role in the destruction of the teeth, the scientists found that the polyphenol reduces the acidity in the mouth and the activity of bacteria by 85%. Polyphenol content in red grapes, 40% more than in white. Green tea help green tea helps to restore the nervous system and improves metabolism. It contains vitamins (A, B, C, PP, K, D, E), minerals (iron salts, the compounds magnesium, manganese, sodium, silicon, calcium, potassium, fluorine, etc.), proteins and amino acids. All this gives green tea medicinal properties. In dentistry green tea is useful as a disinfectant to rinse mouth.

Rinsing with green tea inhibits streptococcal infection in the throat, strengthens the gums and as a result of this is the means of preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Dentistry: how to prevent dental treatment? Someone said cherished word "dentistry", "Dentistry" and you have to back a cold breeze swept through, in the chest went cold and my knees trembled treacherously? Should not be so afraid, because modern dentistry offers many ways bring dental treatment to a minimum. Why does a toothache, forcing us again and again to resort to dentistry and to seek professional help from such agencies as dentistry? We'll tell you a few causes tooth – hard-core enemy of healthy teeth and the first culprit of dental pain. The main reasons for the appearance of carious monsters in your mouth are too lazy, too much employment and inattention to their own health. Dentistry and dental caries is not confined only to the constant brushing and use of chewing gum. We're talking about the thread created specifically to clean interdental spaces. That is the thread floss. It is this invention of mankind is able to deliver its inventors from dental treatment and regular appointments in dentistry.

In Soviet times, dentistry is not too slow to convey to their clients about what Floss exists, it can be replaced by a silk thread, etc. But today, dentistry and dental treatment in it is reduced, in addition to the necessary procedures and manipulations, to the detailed counseling and education. And everyone who closed the a door, leaving dentistry, knows that that effect, which provides cleaning spaces between teeth with floss can not replace or brushing your teeth or chewing gum after every meal. That's dentistry focuses our attention on the fact that the cause of tooth decay is acid which destroys tooth enamel. And even those that cleans your teeth daily, but do not use floss, the risk of tooth decay is too large.

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The Tooth

January 23rd, 2017

Significantly improved treatment results and from an aesthetic and functionally view. The fact that the removable plate, which worked before, it was possible to correct the bite is quite rude. Set up a millimeter each individual tooth plates impossible. To achieve the same absolute results need to work not just with all the jaw once, and with each tooth individually! Currently, there are many different kinds of orthodontic appliances. For even more opinions, read materials from Teva Pharmaceutical Industries. Removable devices are used in children with milk and a replaceable bite. Children wear them only at night, so they did not affect the life and activity of the child.

These devices are odnochelyustnymi and dvuchelyustnymi. Odnochelyustnye now being used less and less, and dvuchelyustnye are so called because they both dress the upper and lower jaw. The child may close my teeth only in a certain position of jaws required to correct the bite. Dvuchelyustnye devices affect growth and development of the jaw, disaccustoms bad habits conducive to a malocclusion. Structured Portfolio Management is a great source of information. In fact it is a simple swap proteziki, but now they make such beautiful (and transparent, and colorful, and with hearts and with sequins, etc.

etc.) that they even like children and many of them in school to show off changes. Children aged 11-13 years (usually this period ends with the formation of a permanent occlusion) can already recommend dental treatment on a bracket system. It represents the locks on a special adhesive material on the outer surface of the tooth. Locks are interconnected metal arc. These braces are all seen and know.

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Treatment For Bad Breath Tired Of Kissing Frogs?

January 19th, 2017

Now are you, at your brother, your friend, wife etc, a general average of the world’s population is vulnerable to bad breath and much more than they have suffered or suffer it that they are in need of treatment for bad breath. The uncomfortable situation of contempt or alienation that generates bad breath left to air only a desire, treatment for the bad breath, urgent and accelerated. The treatment recommendations for the bad breath Primordial, a good and healthy diet, the Elimination of excess cigarette and coffee, and finally call the dentist regularly. When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet is being sought to say specifically that foods rich in sulfur (sulphur) compounds, which are present in the cabbage family vegetables; such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and cabbage, next to garlic and onion make enemies of good breath. It should be noted that you don’t want to say that eating vegetables is insane, the opposite are the ideal diet for the good part feeding the key point there is that these foods are the protagonists of the temporary bad breath and the need for a treatment for bad breath. Consume or not these foods, apart from the frequency and quantity, depend exclusively on our assessment about the impact that these foods generate in the breath and the implications you may have this in social life. In terms of food not recommended for healthy diet that helps the treatment for bad breath is the key to highlight mainly to fast foods.

Prisoners make toads under the influence of bad habits, the social circle closing down and the loving even more. The existence of this evil, is known since ancient times has always been with us. Precisely because of those beginnings is that in ancient civilizations are advocating natural and effective treatment for bad breath. Top the list of chosen for use in the treatment for bad breath mints and baking soda. Curiosities environment to bad breath bad breath in women tends to occur during two crucial States in his life, a week before the menstrual period, with the expulsion of the egg and, while still pregnant with the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds. Treatment for bad breath these are the most important points that stand out around the treatment for bad breath, follow them step by step is extremely important to finish with this problem, or help other people with the same condition. Basic, advanced and efficient, oral hygiene for this work have always at hand as allies a good cream, an excellent brush, and a recommended FLOSS alongside Assistant, mouthwash. Regularly visit a professional, help from a dentist is of utmost importance since this contributes to treatment for bad breath, identifying causes and recommending a process that helps fight bad breath according to their origin.

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Teeth Erasion

December 29th, 2016

Erasing teeth – often occurring process occurs in people of all ages. It can be both physiological and pathological phenomenon. Physiological erasure has adaptive nature, preventing the functional overload of the teeth and the resulting pathological changes in periodontal tissues. This slow-compensated current process aimed at improving the function of mastication, the creation of conditions for the slow movement of the mandible and the smooth glide of dentition in different phases of articulation. Physiological tooth abrasion is observed both in the dairy bite, and in a constant occlusion.

Pathological erasure process is rapid and accompanied by changes in dental and periodontal tissues, as well as dysfunction of the masticatory muscles and TMJ. Under pathological wipe the teeth should be understood a state of heightened erasure when, in the short term teeth lose their anatomical shape, they formed atypical pads, surrounded by sharp edges of the preserved enamel relationships in the dental series vary, bite down and tooth rows can not perceive the functional loading without further damage to the hard tissue. Etiology The causes of endogenous PS; exogenous. Endogenous factors include: a hereditary tendency, metabolic disorders, neurodystrophic and endocrine disorders that are accompanied by defective structure of enamel and dentin, gastro-intestinal tract. One reason for the development of pathological erasure is bruxism. The action of the endocrine glands on the formation, growth and calcification of tissues. Pathological abrasion observed both at high and at low thyroid function, as well as with other endocrine diseases. From exogenous causes of pathologic abrasion of teeth has the greatest value kind of bite, occupational hazards and functional overload of the teeth.

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Russian Dentistry

February 10th, 2016

In our country a large portion of people (and it is about 90%) visit to the dentist is associated almost seen the inquisitor, who then carry them on fire. The origins of this problem must be sought in the Soviet past in which quality dental care and the very sovestkaya dentistry was fairly low, many may remember the line in Doctor Hospital for the 'number plates' to the doctor and furious stories of relatives and friends who in their teeth feel all the imperfections of the system. As a result, in our time, Russians often get to the dentist only when tooth pain becomes unbearable and you have to go to 'surrender' to the dentists. Many people nowadays do not believe that the situation could change significantly, and all dental treatment reduced to pulling out their roots. But dear friends, we live in the 21 th century, thanks to high-tech dentistry was much more pleasant procedure than before.

Patriotic dentistry it all the time did not stand still, evolving towards the introduction and development of advanced technologies, methods and tools for system diagnostics prevention and treatment of teeth, the use of various medications for pain relief. Even the very injection of anesthetic is made painless with the help of a special gel that is put into place to be produced a shot! This is not someone other than the Application anesthesia. Thus during dental treatment, removed not only painful for the patient but also his fear of needles. Dental treatment and diagnosis of diseases include preventive dentistry, which should be given priority in all modern dental clinics, if not you can safely go and look for another, the teeth will be more expensive. A dental therapist – this is the first specialist dentist facing absolutely any patient in the clinic. His task to correctly diagnose and identify a particular disease, to determine whether a patient inflammatory process, choose the best treatment option. So do not be afraid to treat teeth, dental treatment without pain – this is the reality of our time!

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February 2nd, 2016

Along with these features, there is no zone of compression pressure (Druck-band) and, due to axial load acting thrust zone (Zug-zone), in which all collagen fibers straighten and rearranged all the supporting structures that work against the load. It is known that the structure of bone cross members is a response to functional load, particularly under the action of forces along the axis. It should be noted that in the literature correctly emphasizes the inadmissibility of contacts of teeth on the dead side, but the mistake is to name this side of the balancing, since, on the contrary, due to small arm strength is there a moment of force that promotes the emergence of torque (Fig. 4). Fig.

Distribution of forces clasp denture for I-grade in Kenedy. Arrangement of artificial teeth with clasp prosthesis and placement of occlusal overlays affect the occurrence of torque and load distribution between the supporting teeth and mucous membranes. Occlusal pads need to have on the medial surface at 1-m class dentition defect on Kennedy and on single molars – with 2 sides to avoid any torque (see details there. “New in Dentistry ‘, 1, 2002). To place the teeth at baseline, with 1-m class, be a basis to divide by 6 parts (Fig. 5). When the load on the tooth, the whole force of perceived tooth, mucosa is not loaded. For a load at a distance of 1 / 6 of the tooth, 3 / 4 falls on a tooth, 1 / 4 for the entire base.

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German Scientists And Dentists

January 30th, 2016

German scientists have made a big discovery in the field of dentistry, people living in constant fear of the drill, now, thanks to German scientist can hope for a more serene future: it comes to the aid of new plasma technology, reports BBC News. "Plasma rays" one day be used to clean the tooth cavity, "- the researchers Saarlandskogo University in Hamburg, Germany. Tests conducted scientists and microbiologists have shown that plasma can kill bacteria in infected teeth. Scientists argue that the plasma dentistry will be available within three to five years. "Drilling teeth – the procedure unpleasant and often quite painful. Cold plasma, on the contrary – absolutely non-contact method is highly efficient, "says Dr. Stefan Rupf of Saarlandskogo University in Germany.

Discovery of artificial plasma enabled effectively use it in medicine: it kills bacteria without hurting healthy tissue. Typically, for cleaning a dental cavity before sealing using a dental drill. The team of German scientists decided to try used for this purpose the plasma beam, and – made a big discovery: the miracle technology cope with the task quickly and efficiently even in the main part of the tooth under the enamel, where bacteria formed a dense biofilm. According to a leading scientist Dr. Stefan Rupfa, the scope of plasma medicine are now developing at a rapid pace. This technology is also used in sports medicine in the treatment of patients with burns. "Of course, as and the use of any new treatment, we need to make sure he is safe – says scientist – but at the moment, the signals of any problems associated with new technology there. " We hope that 'Plasma Rays' already in blizhashem future will be used in dental offices, not only in Europe but also in CIS countries, and even the smallest of patients do not know how it works terrible drill.

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Laser Dentistry

January 26th, 2016

Laser dentistry clinic 01 – to prepare materials for the removal of casts, polivinilsiloksanovy material silagum: base, catalyst, correcting layer. impression tray, the food wrap. 02-mix equal Number of base and catalyst. 03 – add to an impression tray resulting mass. 04 – to cover the cast of the film layer of the food. 05 – in this form to make an impression in the mouth. 06 – first positioning and presses the impression tray in the posterior teeth, and then the front. 07-no waiting for curing the material almost immediately flaw spoon of the oral cavity.

08 – remove the film from the cast. 09 – to correcting layer with a pistol. 10-teeth dry air jet from the gun before making an impression tray in your mouth. 11 to make an impression with the corrective weight. Position and press it to the first bubble, and then to the front group. 12 to hold the spoon with both hands before hardening mass-5 minutes. 13 – removed the spoon.

14 – to evaluate the resulting mold. it should not contain pores and clearly reflect the line surfaces. cast of the lower jaw is made similarly. but casts must also attach to the work of the photo: the face patient's full face, profile, full face with a smile. photo of dental ryado in somknutom state-front and 2 side projections. and separate the upper and lower dentition of the occlusal surfaces of the doctor: Marina Kolesnichenko Safety and netravmatichnost. All equipment clinics, led by Marina Kolesnichenko, meet the highest safety standards, and procedures are conducted under the supervision of qualified incessant specialists.

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