Bacterial Plaque

August 25th, 2017

What is the plate? What is plaque? It is a colorless, sticky film composed by bacteria and sugar that is formed and constantly adheres on our teeth. It is the main cause of tooth decay and gum disease and can harden and become Tartar if not removed daily. How do I know if I have plate? All have plate because the bacteria are constantly formed in our mouths. To grow and develop, bacteria use waste from our diet and saliva. The plate causes decay when to produce acids, they attack the teeth after eating. Repeated acid attacks destroy tooth enamel and cause tooth decay. In addition, if the plate is not removed correctly irritates the gums around the teeth and gives rise to a gingivitis (bleeding gums, swollen and red), periodontal disease (disease in the support tissues of the tooth) and even to loss of teeth.

How to prevent the formation of plaque? With proper care, it is easy to prevent the formation of plaque. It is important to observe the following care: brush carefully, at least twice a day, to remove the plate attached to the surface of the teeth. FLOSS daily to remove plaque that forms between the teeth and under the edge of the gums, where the toothbrush cannot reach. Limit the intake of starches and sugars, particularly sticky foods. Set a schedule of regular visits to the dentist for professional cleaning and dental exams. Original author and source of the article.

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The Influence Of Solar Radiation On The Human Body

May 9th, 2017

Solar radiation – emitted by the sun this whole stream of radiation. It represents the electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths. In respect of hygiene for the people of particular interest is part opricheskaya sunlight. It occupies a range from 280 – 2800 nanometers. Longer waves – radio waves and shorter – gamma-rays do not reach the earth's surface, as trapped in the upper atmosphere.

The intensity of the sun in the first turn depends on the sun above the horizon. If the sun is at its highest point of the horizon, the path traversed by the sun's rays will be much shorter. By increasing the path of solar radiation changes. It also depends on the angle of the sun. Depends on it, and the illuminated area of the sun. Thus, the same solar radiation falls on the large surface area, so the intensity decreases.

Statement intensity of solar radiation also depends on the mass of air through which the sun's rays. In this regard, her testimony in the mountains will be higher than above sea level. After all, the air layer through which the sun's rays will be less than above sea level. Of particular importance is the effect on the intensity of solar radiation by atmospheric conditions and pollution. In the polluted atmosphere of its readings decrease. For example, in the city it is about 10% less than in rural areas. Intensity of solar radiation has an annual and daily background. It varies during the day and depends on the season. The highest intensity is observed in summer and lowest in winter. According to their biological attack is not uniform. Each wavelength has a different effect on the person. The solar spectrum can be divided into 3 sections: 1. Ultraviolet rays have wavelengths from 280 to 400 nanometers. It most active in terms of biological part of the solar spectrum.

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Warts Come from a Virus Not From Frogs

January 7th, 2016

In fact, nothing to do with frogs. Wart is a consequence of the defeat of the human papilloma virus, which is transmitted by any means – touching, sexual acts, the passage through the birth canal, swimming pools, being in the public baths. These tumors can occur at any age – for the first time or as a relapse. HPV has dozens of varieties, the main manifestations of which are conventional, flat and plantar warts, epidermodysplasia verruciformis, papillomatosis laryngeal papillomas, warts.

Such modifications of warts caused by types of the virus, which are allocated to groups of high and low oncogenic risk. Human papillomavirus infection enters the body when it weakened the ongoing inflammatory and infectious diseases, has a low immune status. For the introduction of pathogenic cells enough microscopic injuries to the mucosal surface or skin. Currently, registered a large number of applications in cosmetic clinic on the removal of warts and papillomas, most often only localized in the vulva, urethra, anus. These unpleasant outgrowths – the result of unprotected sex with strangers partners.

Unlike the disease from other sexual infections is that the virus remains in the body for life. And once having got rid of warts, there is no guarantee that they will not appear again. Treatment of human papilloma virus is aimed at restoring immune status, the elimination of opportunistic infections, removal of skin defects. Recently, being developed on the antiviral vaccine, one option which is to Gardasil as a preventive. This is not a remedy. Vaccination is carried out certain age groups – boys and girls of nine to seventeen years, women from eighteen to twenty-six.

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