Clinical Analyses

December 4th, 2021

At the moment also this available test of detection of the Antigen (that is to say DNA and RNA of the own virus) by means of a PCR technique (Polymerase in chain). In case 2 tests of antibodies by ELISA, one of Western-Blot or one of PCR have given Positive, says that the person is Seropositive. 5) He is the same Seropositive being who to have AIDS? He is not the same. To be Seropositive is that the virus has entered our organism, but not necessarily has begun to attack it. If nothing is made with time, the Seropositive individual will develop AIDS inexorably. 6) That they are the analyses of CD4 and CD8? They are analyses destined to evaluate the immune state of our organism. One is 2 ancestries of lymphocytes T. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries oftentimes addresses this issue. AIDS causes that they diminish lymphocytes CD4 (lymphocytes of the sub-group collaborator-inducer) and increase the CD8 (repressive sub-group).

These analyses are realised by means of flow cytometrics. Normal quotient CD4/CD8 is of 2.0, but the patients with AIDS present/display an invested quotient, inferior to 1,0. 7) Because it is important if 500/lymphocytes CD4 are lower of mm3? Because this it is the level below which pneumonias by Pneumocystis appear carinii and the possibility of the Sarcoma of Kaposi. Below this number antirretrovrico treatment must occur. That it is the analysis of p24? One is an antigen of the virus that is very specific, but with one it lowers sensitivity. It is used in cases of precocious detection of infection by HIV before the seroconversin.

Also in the diagnosis of HIV in new born from seropositive mothers and some other more complex cases. 9) How it is possible to be differentiated between HIV 1 and HIV 2? The unique form to do it is through a quantitative analysis of RNA. 10) That it happens if I have given Positive in a test of anti-vih antibodies but I have given a doubtful result in the test of Western-Blot? If this it is the case, would have to become a repetition of the Western-Blot after 4-6 months. If the result continues being doubtful, the best thing is to be realised a test of PCR for the virus of AIDS. If the result is Negative, you are not infected. If the result is Positive yes these infected. Santiago Bada Specialistic phamacist in Clinical Analyses from 1980. Original author and source of the article
