Professional Rhetoric Tips

April 4th, 2024

How do I stay in the memory? Pathways in the brain of your conversation partner thousand heard, nothing happened a thousand times? How about if you said something once and everyone would remember forever to you? Nonsense? Yet! It’s easier than you think. You need only four things: feelings ask personal images with these means you can reach the hearts of their hearers, not only her mind. The effect? We keep much longer in the memory, what we see and feel, what we understand and where we feel personally addressed. If you now think it is but not business-like, then you look on just the following examples. A related site: PCRM mentions similar findings. What contribution would you like better than listeners? Which would you remember rather something? “Three examples: 1 only Info: here as chart the development of the last nine months…” 1. connection info, the speaker and the audience: Has the financial crisis caught up with our company? The chart on the last nine months gives the answer.

Sure, some of you are surprised. I was in any case.” 2. only information: issue today is the document archiving. An important issue and a very complex. Refers to document archiving “2. connection information, the speaker and the audience: you can imagine to transfer 250 million pages of paper into a computer?” Customer inquiries, orders, complaints, contracts, notices and birthday greetings? How long does it take? Is that possible? Where will all this be saved? And how someone finds a certain page? These are questions of the document-management company. The answers are our topic today.

It has fascinated very even.” 3. only information: I you here some ways to imagine how her post-it can be used effectively: “3. connection information, the speaker and the audience: heard your serendipity ever what?” No? Serendipity is a random observation of something not originally refined, that turns out to be the new and surprising discovery. Imagine: 3M was originally looking for an extremely hard glue and the exact opposite was created during a series of experiments: an adhesive that is pasted, but easily and without leaving traces back to solve. “The producers were disappointed, but then dawned on them what they had discovered: did you know the post it that the US magazine Fortune” post-its, among the most important inventions of the 20th century? Before I show you some tips and tricks, I want to know like what date are you doing with post-it’s…” Tip: Speak to the heart of your audience you provide not only information, but also include the thoughts and feelings of your audience and get yourself in your speech. It must be not always great pathos. It is enough if your listeners don’t feel integrated and addressed. Comes in handy, you can do this by asking questions, bring something personal, cause feelings and images.


Certified Intercultural Trainer (m/w)

March 30th, 2023

Certificate on the 23rd at 10 coaches and trainers by IKUD seminars pass Gottingen, April 26, 2010: a training sequence “Training to the intercultural trainer (m/w) in 5 modules” to end, who successfully completed all participants went back last weekend. Congratulated Alexander Reeb managing IKUD, seminars, the students warmly and thanked for the cooperation and commitment of the participants. The “education for the intercultural trainer (m/w) in 5 modules” IKUD is certified by the German society for intercultural training quality e.V. (dgikt) seminars and 10 graduates received the award: “Certified trainer of the German society for intercultural training quality e.V”. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Dr. Steven Greer. The training consists of 5 modules, which iterate part-time 11 training days. Since the start of training in the fall of 2006 more than 180 graduates have completed the training and are successfully working in different positions, unless in the Human resources departments of international corporations, organizations or on an independent basis. This second training sequence in 2010 participants under professional guidance developed their own training concepts that can implement them directly in the Act.

At the weekend, the concepts were presented, again coming from different working areas and industries. That also the upcoming trainings (start: autumn 2010) have numerous applications and training can start time so now to 19, shows that the training on the market for intercultural services and training programmes has established itself and successfully adopted, “so Mr. Reeb. IKUD seminars is looking forward to more exciting training year and thanks for your confidence!” “For more information about the training of intercultural trainers (m/w) in 5 modules” see… / inter cultural trainer…

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