Why Children Ask So Many Questions ?

April 6th, 2024

Senior pre-schooler – is a little visionary, a tireless researcher, always knowing unidentified. We, the adults that surround our "visionaries" to support the construction of hypotheses and search for them evidence to stimulate the interests of our children. Child under school age is characterized by a desire to ask questions and the ability to find answers. Such a pre-schooler is inclined to experiment, to active search activities. He can focus on long-term interest of his subject.

The assimilation of new knowledge it gives adults a lot of questions, trying to find their own connection to personal experience, expresses the original speculation, assumptions, in other words, be creative attitude to the subject and learning process. One of the main conditions for developing the ability to ask questions is the position of an adult. He teaches child to see and formulate the problem – to put the question and report the results of cognition. Hence, the ratio is meaningful to adult children's spontaneous questions. Adult must give the child an opportunity independent search of answers, that in the future to teach him to think, to reason, to attempt to resolve the issues. By taking this position, an adult opens the way for the formation of self-reliance and criticality child's thought. At the same time, it should always encourage children "ask." The role of adults in this process boils down to, to create special objects or situations that stimulate intellectual activity of the child and the ability to ask questions.

All the questions kids have to answer accurately and affordably. Moreover, it should be commended for a good question, for the desire to learn. But even better, if the adult will be sympathetic to the child of ignorance, to induce it yourself to find answers to questions in the dictionaries, reference books, books, encyclopedias. Adults need to remember yet another important point: they need to teach preschoolers not only ask questions, but formulate questions so that they provoke a response and mental activity. That children are not afraid to ask questions, we must convince them that they do not know something does not feel ashamed. It's a shame not to know if you can do it. Must convince children that ask questions – this is useful: "You'll know more when you find the answers." Children should be encouraged, asked, "Well done, you asked a good question, then you follow the train of thought, think." And praise child not only for good answers, but for the good questions: "Who do not ask, he has learned nothing. Do you want to be smart – learn to ask questions. " Adult should not laugh at a child, given a weak question. Must remember that he has a right to be wrong. Therefore it is better to teach children to ask probing questions that will help them understand the problem.

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Gary Chapman

November 13th, 2021

I read books about theirs gibberish. But if you come to people and ask, 'Parle vu France? " – What do you think? – Do not think about it, yes I will take it and tresnu on the head – that is, if it is not white. Adam Sandler insists that this is the case. I let a Negro because I swear! – Why, this is not abuse. It simply means: 'Do you speak French? '- So why did he not ask a human being? – He never asks. Only in French. – You laugh you, or what? I hear you do not want to.

What nonsense! Imagine, for you to visit bestowed some tmutarakanets who speaks exclusively in their native dialect tmutarakanskom. The question arises: in what language to communicate? Either you have to speak in his language, on the grounds that the guest in the house – the joy of the house, or he should speak your language, on the basis that you are boss. Who must yield? It is logical to assume – who are smarter creative, and quickly focused on the situation. Why is on family and household level, all is different? Gary Chapman's book fragment 'Five love languages ": 'Linguistics distinguishes many languages: Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Greek, German, French, and so on. Most of us with children speak the language of their parents, we learned it, he began to We major, native language. Then we can take, and others, although usually it takes much more effort. And it's better we understand the native language and fluent in it. However, the longer we teach a foreign language, the easier it is to us I think.

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