Benefits And Risks Of New Construction Apartments

November 8th, 2011

The real estate market is still very far from saturation. Expect a decrease in apartment prices is not necessary yet. Most of the population is still dissatisfaction with the quality of existing housing, mainly because of the constantly growing requirements for prospective settlers to their family home. Bulk buyers are more focused on the worthy, high quality accommodation. Number of agreeing on the premises and through- five-meter kitchen, decreasing every year. Population who identify themselves as middle class, usually wants to buy an apartment for his family in new buildings. The proposal still falls short of demand.

For this reason, contrary to most pessimistic forecasts, the cost of housing continues to soar to stratospheric heights, although the house being built in full swing. Moscow does not intend to cede its place in the top three world leaders high cost of residential meters. Obviously, even crisis affecting the real estate market will not be able to change the situation. In the capital, as before, the masses flock to migrants who have brought a maximum capacity of self-realization. And that part of this flow, which will be able to win and stand, there will always be willing to pay for prestige, for the dubious honor called the metropolitan dweller. Monotonous and planning handicap apartment buildings of the Soviet period, compels the majority of citizens make Herculean efforts to purchase new housing. New homes have the potential to create a comfortable dwelling, taking into account individual preferences, avoiding trivialities and templates. Commensurability status of all persons living in a new will also serve as an important argument in favor of apartments in the new house where there would be disadvantaged neighbors.

Has become popular with the purchase of apartments in the complex under construction. Unfinished housing differs significantly lower prices, and even increases the possibility to choose the most suitable options. Approaching completion, the apartment is becoming more expensive and better options sold out in the first place. However, there is another side to the coin, which is unstable in times of crisis is of particular relevance: delivery of the object can drag on excessively, or construction and at all stops and apartment rental is becoming more expensive. These negative factors have no positive effect on growth in new purchases. Banks are tightening approach to mortgage lending. The choice between the lure much reduce the cost of purchased meters and the risk of losing everything, is the main intrigue in this situation.

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