As Important As The ABC – The Proper Dental Care Of Childhood

January 14th, 2016

Dentists recommend dental floss for milk teeth Maryville, Tennessee / Dusseldorf, December 2013 the German Dental Association (CPD) recommends the use of dental floss with infants. Because healthy milk teeth are the basis for healthy permanent teeth, parents from the first tooth of your child should clean and once two teeth touch, even dental floss use. Despite these claims of the dentists there are hardly suitable products to the interdental brushing in children with one exception: the fun of DenTek Flossers fit not only in children but give the kids still enjoy thorough dental care. In short: you can not catch enough! Dental care must begin at the latest with the breakthrough of the first milk tooth and should be small on a natural part of the daily routine of dental health can be obtained up to old age. Once a child has two teeth touching, not only among the thorough dental care daily brushing and flossing daily use. Many parents know from hard experience that it is not easy to teach children effective dental cleaning. And that there are hardly any suitable products for the interdental cleaning of teeth in children on the market, further complicates the thing. This just child-friendly products can help real dental hygiene fans to make the little ones.

A colorful, children design and a pleasant taste give joy to the daily routine and the playful learning of children. Even the gaps between your teeth clean already infants can do everything with the right tools of the trade”. DenTek Kids Fun Flossers are very easy to manage, fun and DenTek taste great the DenTek kids fun developed as the first provider of dental floss sticks for children Flossers. Our fun Flossers are especially suitable for children,”explained Rachel Scharfman, brand manager of DenTek. So that you too can “Teeth be cleaned easily and effectively by small children, just as it is recommended by dentists.” So the handles are the Fun Flossers ergonomically perfectly aligned on small children and the FLOSS head is shaped so that you can reach easily all tooth spaces so that, also in the smaller children bite.

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Anesthesia Options At The Dentist

May 12th, 2014

The dental practice of Brigitte Huebert from Minden informed cold hands, trembling knees, and a dry mouth. For many, going to the dentist is a pain. There are however different types of anesthesia that allow a fear – and stress-free treatment the patient. What methods can be used, explains the dentist Dr Med. Dent. Brigitte Huebert from Minden. Local anesthesia for patients who feel anxiety only in the treatment of pain, can suffice the local anesthetic at the dentist.

The patient is fully conscious and experienced the treatment completely painless. This version is suitable for patients who have no heightened fear of a dental treatment. Sedation sedation is done through a venous medication under medical anasthesistischer care to monitor your heart circulatory function. While the patient remains accessible at all times. It is a deliberately caused, controlled sleep state, while the patient is completely relaxed and not Pain sensations has. The Analgosedation is particularly suitable for patients with strong fear of dental procedures or for patients with an increased need for security due to disease (heart).

General anesthesia is a way to make bearable the dental treatment for adults or children with fears or phobias, a general anesthesia. A team of experienced anaesthetists guarded during anaesthesia the patient from the beginning until the end of the treatment. A general anesthetic also offers the advantage of an intervention, which otherwise would be carried out in several sessions, can be run in a single treatment. So the patient must endure not many treatments in a row about themselves.

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Professor Wilhelm Niedermeier

April 29th, 2014

Perfect dentures organized Board of Trustees colourful programme around teeth and since its inception over 20 years ago perfect dentures (KpZ) the public comprehensively dealing with Dental restorations dentures informed the Board of Trustees. “” Under the motto: KpZ on the spot: understand dentistry, dental technology experience “now organized with the Centre for dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery of the University Hospital of Cologne an information day for the population as well as students and representatives of the media in the Cathedral City of the non-profit association: on 16 November perfect dentures revolves all around the topic”. If you have a question, can send advance she will be answered then locally and on the Internet. Lectures and presentations, discussions and common exchange the program of our info day is very diverse”, explains Professor Hans-Christoph Lauer, head of the Scientific Advisory Board of the KpZ, and Director of the clinic of Prosthodontics of the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University of Frankfurt. Our event goal is to enable the Visitors to give thorough and easy to understand information and to place in the conversation with them.” The information day performed dentistry and dental technology to be touched in November in cooperation with the clinic of Prosthodontics Cologne. “Director Professor Wilhelm Niedermeier appreciates the community project: from the event will benefit not only the aspiring dental professionals of our Institute have the population here the opportunity to experience their theoretical knowledge in practical implementation.” How does a bridge? What steps are necessary to the completion of a Crown? And why is an implant planned actually first on the computer? Answers to these questions will receive the guests of the information day at the information stands in the foyer. In conversation with experts in dentistry and dental technology experience visitors first-hand, what matters in the manufacture of German quality dentures and what you should look for a patient.

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