German Scientists And Dentists

January 30th, 2016

German scientists have made a big discovery in the field of dentistry, people living in constant fear of the drill, now, thanks to German scientist can hope for a more serene future: it comes to the aid of new plasma technology, reports BBC News. "Plasma rays" one day be used to clean the tooth cavity, "- the researchers Saarlandskogo University in Hamburg, Germany. Tests conducted scientists and microbiologists have shown that plasma can kill bacteria in infected teeth. Scientists argue that the plasma dentistry will be available within three to five years. "Drilling teeth – the procedure unpleasant and often quite painful. Cold plasma, on the contrary – absolutely non-contact method is highly efficient, "says Dr. Stefan Rupf of Saarlandskogo University in Germany.

Discovery of artificial plasma enabled effectively use it in medicine: it kills bacteria without hurting healthy tissue. Typically, for cleaning a dental cavity before sealing using a dental drill. The team of German scientists decided to try used for this purpose the plasma beam, and – made a big discovery: the miracle technology cope with the task quickly and efficiently even in the main part of the tooth under the enamel, where bacteria formed a dense biofilm. According to a leading scientist Dr. Stefan Rupfa, the scope of plasma medicine are now developing at a rapid pace. This technology is also used in sports medicine in the treatment of patients with burns. "Of course, as and the use of any new treatment, we need to make sure he is safe – says scientist – but at the moment, the signals of any problems associated with new technology there. " We hope that 'Plasma Rays' already in blizhashem future will be used in dental offices, not only in Europe but also in CIS countries, and even the smallest of patients do not know how it works terrible drill.

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Laser Dentistry

January 26th, 2016

Laser dentistry clinic 01 – to prepare materials for the removal of casts, polivinilsiloksanovy material silagum: base, catalyst, correcting layer. impression tray, the food wrap. 02-mix equal Number of base and catalyst. 03 – add to an impression tray resulting mass. 04 – to cover the cast of the film layer of the food. 05 – in this form to make an impression in the mouth. 06 – first positioning and presses the impression tray in the posterior teeth, and then the front. 07-no waiting for curing the material almost immediately flaw spoon of the oral cavity.

08 – remove the film from the cast. 09 – to correcting layer with a pistol. 10-teeth dry air jet from the gun before making an impression tray in your mouth. 11 to make an impression with the corrective weight. Position and press it to the first bubble, and then to the front group. 12 to hold the spoon with both hands before hardening mass-5 minutes. 13 – removed the spoon.

14 – to evaluate the resulting mold. it should not contain pores and clearly reflect the line surfaces. cast of the lower jaw is made similarly. but casts must also attach to the work of the photo: the face patient's full face, profile, full face with a smile. photo of dental ryado in somknutom state-front and 2 side projections. and separate the upper and lower dentition of the occlusal surfaces of the doctor: Marina Kolesnichenko Safety and netravmatichnost. All equipment clinics, led by Marina Kolesnichenko, meet the highest safety standards, and procedures are conducted under the supervision of qualified incessant specialists.

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Warts Come from a Virus Not From Frogs

January 7th, 2016

In fact, nothing to do with frogs. Wart is a consequence of the defeat of the human papilloma virus, which is transmitted by any means – touching, sexual acts, the passage through the birth canal, swimming pools, being in the public baths. These tumors can occur at any age – for the first time or as a relapse. HPV has dozens of varieties, the main manifestations of which are conventional, flat and plantar warts, epidermodysplasia verruciformis, papillomatosis laryngeal papillomas, warts.

Such modifications of warts caused by types of the virus, which are allocated to groups of high and low oncogenic risk. Human papillomavirus infection enters the body when it weakened the ongoing inflammatory and infectious diseases, has a low immune status. For the introduction of pathogenic cells enough microscopic injuries to the mucosal surface or skin. Currently, registered a large number of applications in cosmetic clinic on the removal of warts and papillomas, most often only localized in the vulva, urethra, anus. These unpleasant outgrowths – the result of unprotected sex with strangers partners.

Unlike the disease from other sexual infections is that the virus remains in the body for life. And once having got rid of warts, there is no guarantee that they will not appear again. Treatment of human papilloma virus is aimed at restoring immune status, the elimination of opportunistic infections, removal of skin defects. Recently, being developed on the antiviral vaccine, one option which is to Gardasil as a preventive. This is not a remedy. Vaccination is carried out certain age groups – boys and girls of nine to seventeen years, women from eighteen to twenty-six.

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Duckweed – Herbs

October 15th, 2012

Because duckweed can be found almost everywhere except the Arctic, she 'got a residence permit' of medicine is hardly around the world. Thus, in our region in ancient times was added to the soup vodokras sick, exhausted constant GOVERNMENTAL inflammatory diseases (previously mentioned – Qatar), in particular – the respiratory tract. In Russian (and Chinese) traditional medicine as a decoction of his mouth was used for various allergic diseases (Urticaria, angioedema, etc.), vitiligo, as well as an external agent recommended by carbuncles, tumors, erysipelas, conjunctivitis and snakebites. Also a poultice of duckweed was known as emollient tool, particularly when coughing or hemorrhoids. Its infusion has also been used as a hemostatic, obscheukre plyayuschee, astringent, choleretic, about tivotsingotnoe, protivogrippoznoe and antimicrobial agent and a cure for dyspepsia. Arab doctors and herbalists in several European countries and administered broth infusion into the duckweed at bronchial asthma, rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and even polyps. At the same pain as a poultice vodokras used for aching muscles, bones and joints, rheumatism, podagre.Spirtovaya vodokrasa tincture is used in inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper airway, treatment of wounds, ulcers and boils.

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