What Will It Cost To Rent Apartment In Moscow

November 30th, 2011

Prices in Moscow does not matter if you live with your parents or move to the capital, every dream is to live alone in her apartment in good conditions. And if that do not have enough money for rent? Then just have to huddle among neighbors room, sharing with them a bath and toilet every morning before work. Although it all depends on demand. For one person it may be important – where to live? For another – how to live? And in the rental real estate of Moscow at all appropriate proverb – "For the pleasure you have to pay." And the prices are such that you would pay a lot for an apartment as yet and for the room. Remove to 10,000 rubles a room – it's assumed that you were lucky, though, as a rule, the conditions remain much to be desired: more bedrooms apartment with all the inconveniences. Well, here is a 15 – 16 thousand rubles, you can already rent a room in a two-three-room apartment, spending less nerve to live, well, money is just a little more.

Well If you add to this amount for at least another 6 – 8 thousand, it is possible to live completely without nerves and in a studio apartment, where there will always get in the way, especially in the morning before work and neighbors. Further – more, your comfort is directly depends on your physical capabilities. In any case, you can find an apartment in one of the regularly updated listings: Cheaters And you decided to rent an apartment, climbed into the Internet or print media with search the best option for you.
