Text Results Map

January 10th, 2016

They, like the first, have the name and all contact details, but other data currently placed, unfortunately, a little bit – just a few words about his agency. This is followed by all other real estate Mytischi, which have not yet made themselves any information material, and only information that is available so far about them – the name and address. And now, to learn about more real estate agency, we 'click' on the required agency and, therefore, go to his so-called 'minisayt'. Here, in fact, we get the amount of data that a real estate agency wanted us to know. The first gives us to know about yourself ample, the second – a little, and others – there is nothing. In addition, each minisayte at the bottom we see a large map of the managed Mytischi, where a large privately red dot denotes only the location of the real estate and any other institutions here. We just set this personalized card at the right scale, it printed on your printer and if you want to go to a specified point place. The second method.

Go to 'geoMytischi' and in the search box type: 'real estate'. Receive text search results and search the map with map search results. Text Results include a list of estate agents Mytischi, similar to the handbook. But the search map shows their location on a map of Mytishchi. In addition, the most interesting and useful is that on this search map we can see all real estate companies together! They are shown by small red dots, and the number of text results are marked on the map in red squares.

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The Buyer

April 4th, 2012

So, in the current market situation the main error – Inadequate money: assigning an inflated price, the seller risks losing time, underestimated – to lose money. Tip 3. Advertising – the motor trade we all recall, this "capital-socialist" slogan. Well, he holds now. If you decide to advertise the apartment yourself, try to cover all the free advertising platforms – Internet, newspapers and magazines.

At the same time, remember that ad with photos attract far more attention rather than the "scant lines." Effective and may be posting ads on the territory adjacent to the house, the next street (it should be done only on special boards, and intended for). If you work all day and simultaneously trying to sell the apartment, put up for sale vacation, otherwise it takes you a last effort, but the effect will be zero, accept advertising to a whole day. Be ready for it. If you own qualification is not sufficient to evaluate the effectiveness of paid advertising, the only thing we can recommend – is to consult a professional. If you sell your apartment through a real estate agency, and it determines which editions of a better place specific property, and pays the cost of advertising, and receiving calls, making the "primary screening," the curious. Tip 4. Observe the "rules of behavior" presence of the buyer is usually after the new proposal calls from interested are common. Inexperienced sellers is encouraging early – the market is constantly "monitor" realtors, adding agentstskie base data and telephone calls to anyone for non-binding.

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Profitably Acquire Estate Developer

March 21st, 2012

Analysts predict the demand for suburban property has the next two years. However, future owners of cottages, country houses and plots should be aware of some things to consider, not to get the ballast in the form of the house, no usable to stay. All misunderstanding between the client and the developer are due to the lack of available classifications, not formed a unified pricing, and all declared and the promises are only promises from the builder. The main problem is the lack of communication. The reason is that the developers of cottage settlements mainly focuses on the construction of houses, or plan to collect money from the first clients, and as a result of tenants and remain without roads, electricity, gas, etc. In reality, the money collected for conducting communications quickly disappear.

Most often, the developer refers to the obstacles from monopolists – gas industry, energy. But actually, it’s just a mistake in their own calculations. And to correct these errors subsequently becomes impossible. Therefore, experts recommend first of all before buying a cottage, a suburban area, beg the question of communication – whether they are in the cottage, if not, the possibility of holding them in the future. The second point is also important to consider before purchase – whether the seller (developer) owns the land.

Since the real estate market works great number of intermediaries with which cooperation and increases the risk of buyers. In any case, when it comes to the acquisition of country houses to hurry and do not take risks. On the market for many companies, whose owners have taken care of their customers, had all the communications and all their work is clear and open to the buyer. For example, in the cottage “Wings” () have been conducted all communications – gas, electricity, and underground mining, which is the most safe for the residents.

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March 14th, 2012

Today, virtually no real estate transaction does not go without a realtor. And at the same time, the reputation of the profession in the degree of confidence in customers can compete only with vendors supported vehicles. Opinion that the main goal of any estate agent – at all costs to deceive unsuspecting customer takes almost everyone, with few exceptions. And yet, the one who had occasion to use the services professional realtor knows that without professional help navigate among the proposals the real estate market, the intricacies of legislation and bureaucratic obstacles, it is extremely difficult. But how among a large number of real estate agency to find exactly professionals, not crooks, whose only goal – to get the maximum benefit? First let's define the term itself with a realtor who this realtor? Realtor or broker, the broker – a specialist in the area of professional goals which include direct communication with customers, documents and database proposals, showing apartments, the conduct of negotiations by telephone and in person organization of transactions and their execution. The main purpose of the estate – the conclusion of a real estate transaction, the task entrusted to him by his client. So, after we decided on those who have a Realtor talk about the signs of a professional real estate company. Agent can be different There are two types of Realtors. They can be divided according to how they build relationships with clients: – Prior to the realtor work almost immediately and honestly negotiated pricing.

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Code Inspection

March 1st, 2012

It is totally unacceptable to transfer money for the work personally into the hands of the representative organization of the evaluation, even if they are directly in her office. Without the use of control and cash register is simply illegal (Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative offenses) and unsafe. You can no longer see any money, no report of any appraiser. In turn, and receipt of services an appraiser which fits into an agreement number, and himself a contract for assessment services are those documents that confirm that you have with not only the estimated organization formalized civil relationship, but also that their financial obligations to it, you sang. Now – turn appraiser fulfill its obligations to you. Inspection of the subject being evaluated Employees of the bank where you have applied for a loan on their own inspection of the apartment will not go.

'Eye' that bankers 'see' the collateral are appraisers. Examination of the object estimate is needed for the simple reason that the credit committee of the bank will not make a decision on a loan without having a detailed and objective description of the collateral, including photos. Agreeing with appraiser on the inspection date and time flat, you can bring to the meeting prepared in advance a set of documents, there to give him an appraiser. Not necessarily present during the inspection itself flat, for you this can fulfill the mission of a trustee – for example, an agent of real estate company or a relative.

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How To Sell Flats – Tips For Sellers

January 29th, 2012

Often the current situation in the real estate market is called buyer's market. This means that housing supply clearly exceeds the existing demand. How to make sure that, when accompanied by an extensive choice of buyer is your preferred apartment? Here are a few simple tips … Tip 1. Flats for sale you have to prepare our apartments for the most part do not differ much room, so be as clean an apartment, including the overall furniture, remove all kinds of stuff. Explaining that when you move, I throw all of this necessarily, but for now things "let stand up" will not do: in this case, stealing the most valuable – the space, and the chance to make a "correct" impression may not have to introduce myself.

Ideally, if the apartment is empty and clean. Cleanliness – is the next important component of the process of preparing the apartment for sale. Should be washed in a flat box, refresh the chandeliers and lighting, monitor the cleanliness of the floor and in a timely manner to dust. Remember that light – this volume. Do not forget that the impression of the apartment does not start from the front door, but much earlier – in the entryway. Therefore, care must be taken and the purity of the entrance, there is sufficient light in the stairwell. But do in the apartment chic renovation in order to sell more expensive, does not make sense – the money spent will never fully returned. In determining the prices Property has a more significant role location and condition of the house, infrastructure and other characteristics.

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Golden Sands

January 10th, 2012

I tried to give you a reason for reflection, to assess the opportunities and adjustment purposes. The choice is yours. 4.Kakovy price indices (cost and lease) commercial real estate, in particular villas in different segments and in different cities in Bulgaria? Villa – but rather objects of real estate than commercial, although the face is conditional. If you take a villa to rent, then it will become a commercial real estate in Bulgaria, but for this country is not typical. This is a resort country, so the rental market does not leave a niche for private individuals – homeowners, the market is occupied by competing firms. All these questions are very personal and in many ways depend on the location did not object, but also from its status and other factors. The highest prices in the vicinity of Varna and the resort's 'Golden Sands'.

Finished villas in Bulgaria for sale at prices ranging from 400 to 1,000 USD per square meter. You can m. buy a villa and at a low price, but with the subsequent repair. The last 2-3 years, with the approach of the date of entry into the EU, property prices in Bulgaria, and especially the villa, went up sharply. Compared with 1999, they doubled. On predicted by our experts annually, at least until 2007, the price increase will be 20 – 40%, after 2007, it has at least one year must be maintained at around 20%. Further predictions made quite difficult. But, given that most Liquid real estate in Bulgaria on the coast and the coast of Bulgaria, though extended, but not infinite, the inevitable by 2008 should be a recession buzz.

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December 28th, 2011

In the first place in terms of foreign direct investment has been and remains the UK – 5,687 billion euros, representing 16% of all direct investments in Bulgaria. Beyond that are Belgium and Luxembourg – from 716 million euros, the Netherlands – 542 million euros, Austria – 475.1 million euros, Greece – 408 million euros, Spain – 314 million euros and Cyprus – 198 million euros. Among the investors in Eastern Europe are leading the Lithuanians, Poles and rossiyane.Tak also significantly increased the interest of Ukrainians – Ukrainian investors are buying up big at times Whole apartment hotels and large plots of land. At the time of Bulgaria's accession to the Union Evroreysky could, relatively inexpensively, to buy real estate there, but after, the apparent significant increase in its value. Expensive construction materials, increased labor costs, so the expectation of prices in this country by 25-35% per year is reasonable. Indeed, on the Black Sea coast and ski resorts in Bulgaria apartments and houses much more expensive, but compared to most resorts in Europe, Bulgaria is more than the experts predicted . percent increase in the value of the local real estate in the current year, such investment can not be considered disadvantageous.

Travel With increasing real estate prices, it should be noted, and the active development of resort infrastructure and improving service. Improved the quality of construction – the level of competition and the growing demands of customers – require. Undoubtedly, property prices, particularly in resort areas, are directly dependent on the development of tourist sector and the influx of tourists.

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Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov

November 22nd, 2011

The words of Lenin, cited in the epigraph to this article, provide the best illustration for almost a detective story that happened not so long ago, with real estate agency "Adveks-Moscow". Her details shared with reporters Agency director general Maxim Chernov at the last roundtable Realtors Association of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. It all started with quite a story of innocent at the end of last year, the agency's office there was a lady that wants to to sell his apartment. And come not one, but a company lawyer.

Moreover, by the time the buyer on the horizon in the retinue of ladies were as much as much as two lawyers. In principle, the fact of the additional attraction of a customer Agency lawyer (or even two) nothing serious. On the contrary, it even can be seen as initiation to Western civilization, in the number of ideals which, as we know, is the presence of each cost active member of the society's own attorney, tax advisor and doctor. And the fact that most lawyers per hour, which comes to realtors customers spend their money not to help making profitable transactions, and to work imaginable and unimaginable to cavil over the years proven contract can be regarded as a problem of growth of sovereign democracy … But we digress. Thus, the bid price satisfied with all documents in the apartment in order, the next step – the conclusion of the transaction. But there it was! Instead of starting negotiations for the sale, the brave lawyers put forward quite a fantastic offer. The essence of his is that the gentlemen of Realtors, which found a buyer, ask away …

to the side, after passing all the seller contacts the buyer. Forgetting about the fee. An interesting proposal, does not it? Of course, the first agency specified that refers to the opposite side, and then rastor Anglo agreement, despite the threat of the mysterious attraction of "administrative resources". However, as further developments showed, this is not and mysterious. Some time later, the Russian Guild of Realtors, the St. Petersburg Prosecutor's Office, Economic Crimes, tax office and God knows where to come to an official request signed by the deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party …, Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party, deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation, Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov. The document was written by a living folksy Read more …

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Benefits And Risks Of New Construction Apartments

November 8th, 2011

The real estate market is still very far from saturation. Expect a decrease in apartment prices is not necessary yet. Most of the population is still dissatisfaction with the quality of existing housing, mainly because of the constantly growing requirements for prospective settlers to their family home. Bulk buyers are more focused on the worthy, high quality accommodation. Number of agreeing on the premises and through- five-meter kitchen, decreasing every year. Population who identify themselves as middle class, usually wants to buy an apartment for his family in new buildings. The proposal still falls short of demand.

For this reason, contrary to most pessimistic forecasts, the cost of housing continues to soar to stratospheric heights, although the house being built in full swing. Moscow does not intend to cede its place in the top three world leaders high cost of residential meters. Obviously, even crisis affecting the real estate market will not be able to change the situation. In the capital, as before, the masses flock to migrants who have brought a maximum capacity of self-realization. And that part of this flow, which will be able to win and stand, there will always be willing to pay for prestige, for the dubious honor called the metropolitan dweller. Monotonous and planning handicap apartment buildings of the Soviet period, compels the majority of citizens make Herculean efforts to purchase new housing. New homes have the potential to create a comfortable dwelling, taking into account individual preferences, avoiding trivialities and templates. Commensurability status of all persons living in a new will also serve as an important argument in favor of apartments in the new house where there would be disadvantaged neighbors.

Has become popular with the purchase of apartments in the complex under construction. Unfinished housing differs significantly lower prices, and even increases the possibility to choose the most suitable options. Approaching completion, the apartment is becoming more expensive and better options sold out in the first place. However, there is another side to the coin, which is unstable in times of crisis is of particular relevance: delivery of the object can drag on excessively, or construction and at all stops and apartment rental is becoming more expensive. These negative factors have no positive effect on growth in new purchases. Banks are tightening approach to mortgage lending. The choice between the lure much reduce the cost of purchased meters and the risk of losing everything, is the main intrigue in this situation.

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