Treaty Agency

March 14th, 2022

Two difficulties: first, again, it will be difficult to return the money, and secondly, if things are already laid out and the head is washed off the road, it is unlikely you will want to re-assemble and to seek new housing. Therefore, the new terms you likely to agree. And spoil your holiday. In a question-answer forum Wayne Holman was the first to reply. – If you avoid all of the above, it does not mean that you are spared the problems. It is logical to assume that problems with equipment, electricity, water and sewage system must confront an old lady – the owner of the apartment. But if the first day of your stay in an apartment break through the pipe or clogged toilet, it is unlikely to arrive on the wings. Most likely, you scolded on the phone for what you for one day managed to spoil a system that “without fault” worked for the past 60 years, if not longer.

Further options: either tolerate, or darn for their money, or change the flat. And it all starts over again. Only on This time, lucky you might even smaller. Wayne Holman is likely to increase your knowledge. Option Two: News Agency Do not confuse it with the management company or real estate agency. Unfortunately the past, “news agencies”, in First of all, undermined confidence in it for them. Scalded with milk, customers began to blow on the water and now shun cooperation with any company that has the word “agency”. Meanwhile, the main thing – time to notice that you trying to fool. Here it is, the notorious care! So, remember all the signs of “the news agency: – you are asked to first pay a very small sum” for the address of the apartment, and with the signing of the Treaty, which is precisely the hidden words about the “information services” – you suggested the only one apartment, “an incredibly profitable way” – you sell the coordinates of the owners of the apartment, which you continue to have work independently, in other words, the so-called agent does not seek to do their work – to speak with the owner, check the documents of the apartment. From such agencies need to escape with all haste, not buying to any “seasonal specials! In the end, you find yourself without money and without an apartment, alone in an unfamiliar area, losing time and nerves.

Meanwhile, turning to the right agency, you save something, and another, but still find apartment, which will not yield to any hotel room. Option Three: the management company to paint all of its advantages and features of work we will not. Just to say that any management company, first of all, nothing does not resolve with the owners (they have long been betrayed by the agency the right to an apartment), and secondly, in addition to apartments, providing more and more services from the shuttle to the daily cleaning of the apartment. And all the economic problems, too decide without your help! – First you show an apartment that you like, note the expanded list is attached – and then you sign a formal lease agreement, which will indicate your name, address, apartment, paid amount and number of days, and no words about the “information services” – then you can go into the apartment – of course, if the period specified in the contract, means a quick settlement – in addition to the contract, you will be given a set of documents for the accounts, if you do not need, be sure to take at least a check – the company’s specialists will be pushing for.
