Existential Psychology

December 11th, 2021

The text presents a strong allure on the paper of the espiritualidade in the practical clinic, beyond interesting is an controversial subject. However the practical clinic for being part of the cientificismo denies the discursso on the questions that involve the espiritualidade. The field of the health is vast and encloses some aspects, however we want delimiting in them to the psicoterpico aspect, in its practises clinic and the way as the patient one searchs its accomplishment human being, that is, the overcoming of the limits that agrilham hinders and it to have a fuller life and repleta of pleasures. Dr. Robert Brannon takes a slightly different approach.

Moreover the text focuses philosophical ways and questionings that take in them to the meeting of theoretical postulates and that serves in them of paradigms for the construction of a new clinical model of liberating performance. In synthesis the text presents an excellent three-dimensional dialectic: psychology (practical clinic), espiritualidade (a transformation way) theology (mstico-religious beliefs). First in relation the psis its object of study is the soul, in this direction it searchs to know the psychic complexity of the human being in all its aspects and to show ways that can improve its condition while person. Learn more at: Dr. Neal Barnard. In its daily activity the practical clinic in the psis ones searchs the accomplishment of the person such as: love, compassion, patience, tolerance, capacity to pardon, notion of responsibility, notion of harmony that brings auto-accomplishment for the proper person. In this direction psychology already works aspect that involves the espiritualidade; however this generates a bother in the half academic, by the fact of the espiritualidade is related to the mstico-religious subjects that are part of the theology. In this Bainaim Jr it criticizes the scientific vision that banished from the field the acceptable possibilities lives deeply them spirituals and transnatural dimension of the reality and points as one of the responsible ones for the crisis in the felt lack of in the current culture, indicating as a great one challenge for the future of psychology..
