Yeah Pregnancy

March 18th, 2022

Births stop, it hurts everyone – mom and baby. So if you want everything went quickly and easily pre-tuned to an appropriate scale and not Listen to scary stories about what to give birth – it hurts. Myth number 2. Childbirth a woman does not paint a happy There are women who figure after giving birth becomes better, or does not change. But let's face it: such a minority. Rest during pregnancy is added to the average 5-10 pounds, and there's no getting around it. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Al Gore. But the fact that these pounds will stay after childbirth – a myth. At you will find additional information.

Of course, the extra inches in the waist by themselves do not go away. And immediately after birth and to drive them is not worth it. When a woman breastfeeds, she should be better than before. So conceived wisdom of nature: the body needs substances which are nutritious basis for milk for the baby. Start struggle with the hated pounds worth only after the cessation of breastfeeding. And usually two or three extra pounds go by themselves. But others expect to 'settle' for good.

Way out become so simple and proven tools like diet and exercise. Myth number 3. During pregnancy, you can not use makeup Yeah, but still have to wear rags and wash all nine months. After all, proponents of 'eco-friendly pregnancy ', to support the above myth, insist that the use of any chemical agents (whether shampoo, shower gel or cream stretch marks) adversely affect the health of the unborn baby.


Metoclopramide Pregnancy

April 15th, 2018

However, known for a long list of herbs which consumption is contraindicated during pregnancy because of their harmful effects on the fetus, and large doses, such as vitamin A may even cause malformations of the fetus. Before you start taking any medications, Use the following tips: – Carefully read the instructions for use, especially dosage, route of administration and possible side effects. If you are forced to accept more than one medication, make sure in the absence of cross-reactions between them. Undesirable to simultaneously use two or three drugs – this can lead to unexpected side effects. – If you are not pregnant and do not plan to become pregnant, make sure reliability of the means of contraception. Considered reliable dual method (barrier method + Spermicides), hormonal methods and intrauterine method.

It should be borne in mind that some drugs reduce contraceptive the effect of hormones, so you should know about it at the doctor. – If you plan to become pregnant and are forced to take medication over of sudden illness, you should opt for the maximum safer drugs, as if you already had a pregnancy. – If you are pregnant, you should limit the use of drugs to only those that are absolutely necessary, ie without which there is a risk to your health or life. Before taking this medication, make sure that pregnancy is not contra-indicated in the section. Incidentally, the absence of pregnancy as a contraindication does not always say about the safety of the drug – it can also mean insufficient to study it.

– The most well-studied and relatively safe in pregnancy are common drugs such as Paracetamol (analgesic, pain reliever), Diphenhydramine (antihistamine), Metoclopramide (antiemetic), antibiotics: penicillin, cephalosporins, macrolides. – Harmful to the fetus include such common drugs as aspirin, antibiotics: tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, corticosteroids hormones in the pills. – If you are breastfeeding, you should keep in mind that almost all drugs get into breast milk. Pay attention to see if breast-feeding (lactation) in the contraindications. Eat medication immediately after feeding, to allow time for distribution of the drug in the body. Carefully observe the child after taking medication. If there were difficulty in breathing or a skin rash, this may be an allergic reaction and requires immediate medical attention. Do not take aspirin during breastfeeding because of the risk of rash and bleeding, and do not use antihistamines for a long time.


Muscle Secretion

March 19th, 2017

But even on an empty stomach, do not. For 2-3 hours before going to the fitness you need to eat small amounts of food, consisting mainly of complex carbohydrates, or protein (Buckwheat, vegetables, lean meats, cereal or bread, low-fat cottage cheese). And no fat! It is very important not to eat 2-3 hours before exercise and after. For half an hour before a workout you can drink strong green tea. This will help the secretion epinephrine and norepinephrine, which mobilize fat from fat cells that the body can use it as fuel.

During a workout to drink water (not fruit drink or soda, as some do, namely, water!) How many? It depends on the intensity of the workout and your need. The main thing – do not feel thirsty. If you want to build muscle, then after the power or simply a high-intensity exercise should eat. In the first 20 minutes after a workout in the body is open so-called "posletrenirovochnoe (anabolic) window for protein intake (chicken breast without skin, egg, fish.), and carbohydrates. Eaten during this period carbohydrates and proteins will be used to muscle recovery and increase muscle mass. 3) greatly reduced her diet to a couple of lettuce can not be every day should eat no less than 1000 kcal. When the body is starving, he begins to lose muscle mass, decreases body temperature at 0,1-0,3 degrees, the pulse rate of 2-3 beats per minute, blood pressure, decreased muscle tone, there is a lethargy, drowsiness. nowledge. Losing weight while slowing down.
