Text Results Map

January 10th, 2016

They, like the first, have the name and all contact details, but other data currently placed, unfortunately, a little bit – just a few words about his agency. This is followed by all other real estate Mytischi, which have not yet made themselves any information material, and only information that is available so far about them – the name and address. And now, to learn about more real estate agency, we 'click' on the required agency and, therefore, go to his so-called 'minisayt'. Here, in fact, we get the amount of data that a real estate agency wanted us to know. The first gives us to know about yourself ample, the second – a little, and others – there is nothing. In addition, each minisayte at the bottom we see a large map of the managed Mytischi, where a large privately red dot denotes only the location of the real estate and any other institutions here. We just set this personalized card at the right scale, it printed on your printer and if you want to go to a specified point place. The second method.

Go to 'geoMytischi' and in the search box type: 'real estate'. Receive text search results and search the map with map search results. Text Results include a list of estate agents Mytischi, similar to the handbook. But the search map shows their location on a map of Mytishchi. In addition, the most interesting and useful is that on this search map we can see all real estate companies together! They are shown by small red dots, and the number of text results are marked on the map in red squares.

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