The Road To High Quality Of Care And Satisfaction

August 14th, 2019

Electronic quality checks ensure transparency of performance and quality of care are legally prescribed nursing documentation and quality assurance in the care. External audits are based on several objective criteria, depend on but also the subjective assessment of the examiner and the written documentation of the nursing staff on the activities that they have performed at a certain time for a resident or a resident. Electronic quality control are suitable in the outpatient and inpatient care as a management tool and open the way for continuous quality improvement, as well as high employee satisfaction. The 2008 care reform tightened controls in the care and introduced a note allocation from 1 to 10. To turn off SGB XI (care insurance law) is on the quality of earnings, as 114 ff. Proven, high quality of care and good exam results are important for nursing facilities for two reasons. On the one hand in their visibility: the Care reform looks of 2008 in addition to the annual nursing home-TuV”before the publication of the test results in the form of a layman and others on the Internet. Which means those in care and their families use the published care notes and others as decision support for or against a facility or a service.

To the others after inside out: Proven good work to do, motivated employees and ultimately reduces the fluctuation, which in the elderly care sector is traditionally very high. Electronic quality control with the electronic quality assurance system e-QSS of tendering and quality assurance specialists Neumann & Neumann project- und Beratungs GmbH headquartered in Steingaden create transparency and assist in the continuous performance improvement in care. QSS can be used in the maintenance of internal control instrument. ( software_e qss.html) e-QSS allows i.e. the short-term provision of results, as well as an evaluation of the results of the controls over long periods.


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