Tooth Replacement

December 29th, 2021

The Declaration of the broad theme of dentures dental prosthesis refers all forms of compensation for the production of natural, missing teeth. To produce the missing teeth are used prosthetics, so the profession, which specializes in the development and manufacture of prostheses – artificial tooth replacements -. The prosthesis can be divided into the following categories: combined tooth replacement – this is a combination of a firmly cemented and fixed restorations – in this category fall such as bridges, partial crowns a removable partial removable dentures – This distinguishes between partial dentures and the total prosthetic crowns; to everyone this kind of prosthesis mentioned there are several subcategories of fixed dental prosthesis is attached to existing teeth. Thus, a distribution of the voluntary bite force, on the healthy teeth, is feasible. By using this option the usual speech and chewing performance will be restored to almost 100%. The shelf life is limited.

The Retention period of fixed dental prosthesis is between 10 to 15 years. Inevitably, the bridges consist of two parts: the fixing element (bridge) and the Pontic (bridge body). This type of denture is made either of metal or ceramic. Both materials can be combined in special cases. Here, we speak of the veneer metal ceramic (VMK). The bridges to the according to milled abutment teeth are attached. This is done by using a special cement. Other types of bridges are the adhesive bridge next to the telescoping bridge.

Although you can take the telescopic bridge this is but rather the fixed restorations ordered to. This is the case, because this bridge only carried the abutment teeth and so does not provide for irritations in the mouth mucosa. The advantages are obvious: by singling out can bridge and abutment teeth much better cleaned and it can be made simple repairs. Against this tooth replacement talk of higher costs and higher costs. Also, the abutment teeth must be sanded more than with other types of Dental restorations. The adhesive bridge, however, is, as the name implies, glued to the neighbouring teeth. The abutment teeth are ground in this context only little by little. This bridge is, if the abutment teeth by dental caries are infested. The crowns are a further restorations. These completely cover the affected tooth. The tooth is not completely covered one speaks in this context of a Crown of part of. In addition to the previously mentioned stuck, there is still the removable prosthesis. Distinction is made after the execution. So there is the partial denture, which, produced in the simple version – on plastic base. It contains also the teeth to be replaced along with the supporting and retaining elements. However it is the partial denture only a temporary solution, because this type of tooth replacement only serves to bridge the healing. Partial dentures have about Wire hangers, which can cause harm to healthy teeth and gums in the long term also. In addition to the partial denture, there is also still the total prosthesis. This is attached to the corresponding jaw with vacuum. To a function print is made, the denture can be adapted. The stop of a maxillary denture is sufficient, while a lower jaw denture the stop is rather unsatisfactory.

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