
February 5th, 2017

According to the rules, meetings babies with a pediatrician must pass each month. In addition, once the first three months parents have to go with the baby to a neurologist, an optometrist and podiatrist, but when the time comes vaccinations – blood tests and urine tests. "Big" clinical examination the child to be pass in a year: in addition to the familiar toddler specialists, he met with the dentist, otolaryngology, and a surgeon. I'm not afraid of shots! To protect your baby from serious diseases, the first inoculation he had already made in hospital. Whatever belonged to this procedure, parents, vaccination remains the only reliable way to protect against many infections. The more that medicine is not static, and modern drugs have become much safer, more effective and more convenient than ever before (for example, have removed the components, which can cause complications).

There are new vaccines against diseases that have to deal with that before was not possible, such as meningitis. And despite the fact that the vaccination schedule in these days has become much longer, the baby will not have more often led to the clinic. Now, doctors have learned to combine in one product, several vaccines. Many parents fear that immunizations may weaken the body and cause adverse reactions in a child. In fact modern drugs are well tolerated in children and rarely lead to some problems.

If side effects do occur, then often appear so. Some medications (eg, pertussis) can increase the temperature. "Live" vaccines with weakened germs, pathogens (such drugs include measles, rubella, mumps, influenza) occasionally cause a weak form of the disease, with little precipitation and temperature. Unlearn that vaccination against mumps lead to a slight swelling, similar to those that occur during illness. Strict contraindication against vaccination not. But there are situations where vaccination is better to defer: for example, if a baby has a fever or runny nose. During the disease weakens the immune system, but the organism is difficult to deal with pre-existing infection, and with the new load, he gets together with the vaccine. For the same reason faint kids should not enter the "live" vaccines – they will be replaced by drugs with killed microbes. And another important fact: some vaccinations for legally binding for all children, and their case to the district health centers for free. The list includes vaccination against tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, hepatitis B, rubella. Help that child was a program of protection against these diseases, and later required for admission to kindergarten. And some additional vaccines (eg against influenza and hepatitis A), doctors recommend to do, but the state does not pay for them. In this case to take care of their babies should be vaccinated by their own parents.

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