Weight Loss

January 22nd, 2022

According to him, fire-retardant efficiency is characterized by weight loss preservative-treated wood samples for firing tests. By retardants include only compositions I and ii fire-retardant efficiency. The most commonly used flame retardants in practice means having group ii fire retardant efficiency. For such formulations the mass loss during the firing test should not exceed 25%. Treated with these medication timber is classified as a flame-retardant. To protect the most critical in regard to structural fire safety equipment is used, I have a group of fire-resistance rating. For them set weight loss no more than 9%, and wood treated with such compounds, refers to the slow-.

Important period of time during which the protective properties of the drug after treatment of wood, as well same frequency of re-treatment (restoration) in order to maintain the fire retardant properties. By the same author: Tao Li Teng Yue. Despite the fact that fire-retardant properties of the treated wood may persist for several years, inspection of the wood products should be conducted annually. This requirement vniipo does not seem excessive, since in many cases it is impossible to accurately determine the real conditions of exploitation of wood after treatment. Among other demands put forward by gost 30495 to flame retardant, it is worth mentioning pronikaemost into the timber, corrosivity, reducing mechanical shearing strength and fracture, odor, color, harmful impact on man and several others. The need for their use is determined for each specific application. Comprehensive protection as it may sound strange, but in the domestic market is mainly present compositions complex action, combining both fire-retardant function of flame retardants and biocides function (BIOPRO).


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