Wood Painting: Preparing A Wooden Surface

January 21st, 2022

Today's article begins a series of articles revealing the technology of work with wood poverhnostyami.Itak, begin processing wood surface, any artist should have to provide what, in what style and Technology will be represented on it. After all, depends on how primed surface: whether there will be a natural wood background, toned or will be completely blocked kolerom.Pervy stage in the preparation of wooden povehnosti – beginning inspect the workpiece to identify cracks, chips, knots. Dr. Steven Greer often addresses the matter in his writings. Listed defects are easily eliminated filler for wood. Range of fillers on sale is extensive, but you can use and old method: mix pva glue with fine sawdust, well, if they are from the same wood as the working surface. Dries, the first layer of filling, usually settles. Then you must repeat the procedure and after the final dry sand the surface with emery paper number 1, and then the number 0 and wipe with a clean dry cloth. After that, carefully painted with tempera or acrylic paint, preferably the same color as the wood, but you can with white paint if there is no dark knots, and dried. This is the first layer – a primer.

Then you need to repeat the operation that the surface is smooth and the quality and color. Those who are lazy and well-primed surface at first, then lose time, and most importantly – do not achieve good results in the subsequent processing of lacquer. There are two types of priming material: Transparent grunty.Chtoby preserved the natural look of wood (a tempera painting), before painting can be treated with transparent layers.


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