World Health Organization

February 19th, 2016

I would not want to delve into history, but only to tell the most important thing to know about the science of Ayurveda in cosmetics. So, to start all the same a little bit about the origin: The word 'Ayurveda' – the two Sanskrit (Ancient Indian language) word 'Ayurveda' – the life and 'Veda' – knowledge or science, combining them into one word Ayurveda, get a "life science". Of course, that no knowledge can not arise from nowhere. According to legend, Ayurveda is the revelation of the saints Wise, who has absolute knowledge of the universe. God Brahma told the secrets of medicine to God Daksha, who in turn passed knowledge of the divine twins Asvins – the great healer, who later presented them to Indra.

Indra gave his knowledge of students, including one of the seven Indian sages. Thus, Ayurveda – the most ancient system of medical knowledge and heritage of ancient India, with a history of more than 6,000 years. The flowering of Ayurveda, coincides with the flowering of Buddhism in India (with 4 centuries. bc to 8 century AD), thanks to Buddhist monks, the knowledge of Ayurveda spread to China, Mongolia, Tibet, Korea and Sri Lanka. But, unfortunately for many centuries, Ayurveda has been subject to neglect, and Many texts and papers have been lost. Most of the surviving records in Tibet On this lesson of history can be considered complete, go to urgent cases. What is so unique, inherited from the ancient Hindus? General science itself Ayurveda is based on one main principle – it is harmony and integrity of man and nature, and the violation of this very harmony, and is the primary source of disease. Nature is rich in various minerals and or other components separately, but their combined use in the correct ratio at which the effect of herbal ingredients or minerals, multiplied. Also, teaching Ayurveda states that need to think about your body as one whole, for this reason, you can select one of the principles of Ayurveda, which reads: "The body can not apply what one could not eat." As you can see yourself in the preparations, as well as cosmetic products manufactured by the principles of Ayurveda, there is a place only natural ingredients. Not without reason, since the twentieth century, the principles of Ayurveda, is widely used in the West, and are considered the most effective system of alternative medicine, which was recognized in 1985 by the World Health Organization (WHO). Be Healthy!


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