Your Blog On Google In Less Than 10 Minutes

January 9th, 2014

If you want to make money online using your blog, one of the most important things is to have your blog on Google’s results. Novices use techniques that instead of helping them, hurt them. For example, this is a mistake that many people comment: add your URL to this space in doing so, it’s like if you send an email to Google telling them to not show your blog for 7 months. This should not be done, for more tempting it may seem. There are many ways to make your blog appear in the results of the big G, but these may take at least a week using this method may appear in Google blog the same day he creates.That said, this is the tip that can help you to index your blog quickly. – Go to – Click an unusual search, eg “how to make a dog fly” complete with quotes – Write a post with the title “How to make a dog fly” – Write a post explaining how you can do a dog fly using the term “how to make a dog fly” complete with quotes, and bold about twice. – Publish your post – You ping Google from your blog (I’ll explain this below) – That’s all. Now you’re wondering, how this will help me to appear on Google? I’ll explain: When you search on “how to make a dog fly” you will notice that no one site or blog with this term was found accurate (the last time check had not) and this is because not many people think there looking for information about your dog blow.

At this moment Google is looking for a site that publishes information about “how to make a dog fly.” When writing your post about this and pinging, Google will find that your site contains this information and indexed quickly. It’s that simple. Try it, I did and it worked perfectly. This also works if you have your blog indexed in Google and you want your next post will be indexed quickly and in first place for that exact phrase. Now if you stayed with questions about the PING, I’ll explain: When you ping from your blog, you are notifying Google that you have new content and this is going and search on your blog that is new in the. This is done automatically if you have a blog you are using WordPress to publish, you must add this address: to your list of ping.

This is done in your WordPress Dashboard or Dashboard, you go to Options and then Write. Down there you see something that says “Update Services”, here is where you will put the address I put above. In Blogger you have to check that the option of “Do you want to let search engines find your blog?” This in itself, this is in the Configuration tab and then Basic. So there you have it, you have the test, is simple.


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